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#TERFLogic: When a trans man transitions, it’s a “waste” to TERFs who were sexually attracted to him

For TERFs, it’s a sad day when the object of their sexual desire exercised their agency over their bodies:

So I just found out, through the grapevine, that the girl with whom I fell in love when I was 19, who was the reason I first called myself bi, who was the first person I ever came out to, whom I never had the courage to tell I loved – has now said she’s a transman, and I just – fuck. I can’t believe it. I knew she always felt uncomfortable with her body, and I’d shrug and let it go if it weren’t for the fact that at least two other people in her (my ex-)social circle have recently decided they’re trans as well. It’s such a fucking waste, I swear. She was so – I know this sounds reductionist, and there was so much more to her that I fell in love with – but she was so beautiful, and I can’t believe she’s done this. What an absolute fucking waste.

Sorry guys- you’re the only people I know who might understand how I feel right now.

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Report TERF HarassmentWhere did “TERF” come from?Deconstructing TERF Tropes | The Conversations Project

#TERFLogic is our daily effort to prove that the anti-trans hate movement calling itself “Radical Feminism” and/or “Gender Critical Feminism” is neither.



Published in Transphobic Feminism


  1. Randall Napier Randall Napier

    TERFs just proving to everyone around them that the only way they can go from rock bottom is…further down.

  2. CJakes CJakes

    Well I hate to break it to you, but it ain’t all about you! This person has gone their whole life feeling trapped and in a never ending Halloween. This is about him being able to finally be happy and be who he is supposed to be. So if you were attracted to someone with a heart defect that made them dependent on you, would you be all selfishly pissed if they had a life saving heart treatment to fix the defect? If you REALLY cared for him, you would be happy that he is finally happy being himself and not all caught up in your me me me pity fucking party!


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