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#TERFLogic: Is it wrong to tolerate trans people? Yes, yes it is.

Also, trans people are possible murderers!!! (unlike cis women, right?)

And besides, trans women commit crimes (like rape and pedophiliat) at the same (or even greater!!11) rate that cis men do!!! (except that’s all a long-debunked lie)


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#TERFLogic is our daily effort to prove that the anti-trans hate movement calling itself “Radical Feminism” and/or “Gender Critical Feminism” is neither.



Published in Transphobic Feminism


  1. Holly Holly

    Cult? When did that happen? Trans people are such a tiny minority. The murder rate against trans people is very high, also rape and other violent crimes. Trans people should not be “tolerated.” They should be accepted just like cis people. The first poster, the one who feels she is being coerced to date trans people, seemed disturbed and in need of help. Instead, TERFs piled on, encouraging her fear.

    Real feminists know that men are not uniformly oppressors and all women victims. We know women are often violent, especially towards children. Men are often victimized by other men. We know that people are not defined by their genitals. We live in a culture of sexism and violence. These things are not inherent to men but they are marketed to men.

  2. Bobbie Jo Justice Bobbie Jo Justice

    Terfs seem a little too dense to understand that the word ALL in this country’s core value of LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL actually means ALL.

    and yes, that includes transgender people too.


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