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#TERFLogic: TERF’s nose makes her treat random men like they’re women and random women like they’re men

Plus, in the transwoman’s case, it’s the smell that clues me in. They don’t smell like women, I’m hypersensitive to that kind of thing so it’s not something everyone picks up on but for me it’s a dead giveaway. So subconsciously I end up treating the transwomen the way I treat men (gingerly and at a distance) and the transmen the way I treat women.


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Report TERF HarassmentWhere did “TERF” come from?Deconstructing TERF Tropes | The Conversations Project

#TERFLogic is our daily effort to prove that the anti-trans hate movement calling itself “Radical Feminism” and/or “Gender Critical Feminism” is neither.



Published in Sex Essentialism Transphobic Feminism

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