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#TERFLogic: Sexism clings to eggs and sperm

A TERF blog that tries to make the case for sex essentialism claims that sexism is predicated upon sperm and eggs:

according to this #TERFLogic, this man is oppressed as a female.

No, that’s what anti-LGBT hate groups say. The reality is that trans bathroom protections have been around in America since the 1970s and that legal terms like “gender identity” are defined through case law, not anti-trans groupthink.

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Report TERF HarassmentWhere did “TERF” come from?Deconstructing TERF Tropes | The Conversations Project

#TERFLogic is our daily effort to prove that the anti-trans hate movement calling itself “Radical Feminism” and/or “Gender Critical Feminism” is neither.



Published in Hate Speech Sex Essentialism Transphobic Feminism

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