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#TERFlogic: Social habits learned as a kid is the sexed essence that makes a woman a woman because “sex and gender are not interchangeable”

From the Telegraph article:

The BBC Radio 4 presenter said that men who had grown up with all the privileges that entails did not have the shared experience of growing up female.”

Murray validates her views by hiding behind the handful of social media TERF tokens, trans people who side with TERFs and who get love bombed for their trolling of other trans people:

However Murray said she has found support among some transgender women, “who willingly accept they cannot describe themselves as women and who agree that sex and gender are not interchangeable”.

Related: An interview with an ex-TERF token

In short, the gendercrit movement’s moment strolled in circles with an uncertain inertia, and no direction to turn. r/gendercrit is little more than an insult forum with tautologies: “trans women take selfies; some narcissists take selfies therefore, all trans women are narcissists.” Same with tumblr. Twitter. Facebook. The voices of “gender abolition” in social media are largely hectoring brays of targeted insults and denigration, all on the anonymous.

Gender abolitionism wants a world without gender, and therefore transgender people, in it. That’s the political objective: no more trans.

Thus, is “gender abolitionism” an ethically accountable system, rejecting yet possessed of compassion for transgender people . . . perhaps in a “love the sinner, hate the sin” sense? Varies by the individual, of course. (And whatever is most politically opportunistic at any given time.)  Sure, there are gender abolitionists (GA) who are great mates with gender abolitionist/trans embodied individuals. Some distantly sympathize with trans women. What I notice about the ‘sympathy’, however, is an admixture of pity and intrigue for the ramifications of our existence. Is it ‘compassionate’ to assess all trans woman as emotionally traumatized by-products of masculinist gender agendas, hapless puppets to gender therapists and victims of Father Knows Best medicine?

Because the compassion fades right f’ing quickly before the abolitionist strategic design for the future. Abolitionists, by ideological default, must condemn transition as a reckless, untested aberration for the confused and selfish; and so SRS is always mutilation. And, predictably, the attacks go straight for trans health care, since treatment for the “defect” of gender dysphoria is a clumsy, misogynist intervention at the individual level. Collectively, trans health care equals the phallo-pharmaceutical destruction of womankind.

So — being ‘compassionate’ in a clinical sense, sure — yet being selective in who gets that compassion, on what terms . . . pronoun cherry-picking, appointing “right-thinking” trans women, sticking to the same researchers and eluding over a very broad scholarly conversation about sex and gender in society . . . it’s not compassionate to be telling a young trans woman preparing for her SRS that she’s about to become a Living-Wound of permanent defilement. That seems like a pretty shitty kind of bully, really. Not what they say – what they do.

Let me rethink of it this way . . . what I mostly saw as “compassion” was pathos; and as for the cudgel? We’ve all been hit by the cudgel. Blame, punishment, condemnation … anytime, any place, any reason. I’m not denying poignant individual friendships exist between individual GA feminists and trans women. Nor would I deny the outright tokenism and exploitation of the “TERF pet”. It happens.

Kind interactions can often slide into confrontations, with peer pressure and group think ensuring the GATE doesn’t step out of line. Because in their view the most compassionate thing to tell a gender abolitionist/trans embodied individual is to destransition! Thus, at a certain point,  ‘compassion’ or ‘cudgel’ are not readily distinguishable amidst a political vanguard possessed of an extreme gender-scepticism. The trans person, attempting to hold gender abolitionist views, is a glaring paradox. How does one experientially benefit daily from the civic and social accommodations that trans activism has won for us, yet denounce or discredit the principles and civil rights issues that led to these accommodations?

The cudgel isn’t just to “bash” a trans woman for liking skirts or having long hair (those fetishists!). Their cudgel is primarily a gavel: the resounding echo of judgment, the oakwood bang of guilty-as-proven-trans. There is a sadism in that: the beating down of another, the yucky other – and the reckless glee with which some of the TERFs take in such pugilism that is well documented and disturbing. They want us to hurt for being who we are – that’s a sociopathy deeper than politics.

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Report TERF HarassmentWhere did “TERF” come from?Deconstructing TERF Tropes | The Conversations Project

#TERFLogic is our daily effort to prove that the anti-trans hate movement calling itself “Radical Feminism” and/or “Gender Critical Feminism” is neither.



Published in Sex Essentialism Transphobic Feminism

One Comment

  1. Jeffrey A Benedict Jeffrey A Benedict

    Would you ever discriminate against a group of people so much you would force them to have surgery because you don’t like how they were born?

    Would you ever have surgery where you could have two very different outcomes not being able to decide which outcome?

    Would you force your child to have surgery because they way they were born made others uncomfortable?

    Well that’s what happened to me. Because society can’t handle the fact I was born both a boy and a girl I was surgically altered the very day I was born. Then six more times because it didn’t work the first time.

    The inability to except science has caused over 300,000 American children to be surgically altered to fit social norm. This still happens in America every day.

    Check your local children’s hospital, they all have a team especially designed to assign gender to children born with Ambiguous gender before they reach grade school.

    Not because their health is in danger, simply because bullies and perverts would make their life unbearable.


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