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TERFs join anti-Feminists in order to attack trans children


To summarize its arguments, the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) asserts that interpreting anti-discrimination laws to protect transgender students from harassment will somehow result in the erasure of women and girls as a protected class. This argument mirrors the justification that Phyllis Schlafly gave for her opposition to the ERA: Any legislation that reduces discrimination based on sex or gender actually endangers women and girls by erasing important differences between men and women. “The vague, poorly written language of the ERA does not allow any distinction to be made between men and women – even when it makes sense to do so based on their biological differences” [emphasis in original]. In fact, Schlafly said, “[the] ERA would impact the privacy and safety of women and girls by removing gender designations for bathrooms, locker rooms, jails and hospital rooms” [emphasis in original].

Read the full article here.


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Published in Sex Essentialism Transphobic Feminism

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