Unsurprisingly, Cathy Brennan, opinion leader in of the TERF movement has, of course, chosen to side with the Fox News and the Pacific Justice Institute:…
The TERFs Posts
In a published peer-reviewed paper, Dr. Sheila Jeffreys asserts: [Transsexual surgery] could be likened to political psychiatry in the Soviet Union. I suggest that transsexualism should…
Most of the Womyn that come to fest really don’t care whether you’re straight or not as long as your not trans. – D.M., Festival…
… perhaps the most consequential incident in the rising tide of hostility toward transgender people in the summer of 1973 was directed against transsexual lesbian singer…
According to TERFs, the term TERF is a slur. Moreover, they assert that it is insulting, hyperbolic, misleading, and ultimately defamatory. Allen actually calls for more people…
Excerpts from Gyn/Ecology (1978) by Mary Daly, PhD: The Dionysian solution for women, which is violation of our own Hag-ocratic boundaries, is The Final Solution. To…
I’ve noted before how TERFs inspired the violence inflicted upon Stonewall hero Sylvia Revera. Until now, I wasn’t aware that their cruelty was extended to…
The above is a picture of militant lesbians and gays protesting against a movie that promoted false gay stereotypes. Above is what happened when a…
Apparently I’ve made the big time. I discovered that GallusMag, self-identified RadFem (TERF), RadFem opinion leader and co-founder of RadFemHub, has attempted to troll me…